Once a month we have a house prayer night. This is where we assign a Believer in one of our churches to open their homes and allow us to come and share the Word of God through Bible Study and prayer time. We then encourage them to invite all their neighbors, friends and unsaved loved ones to the house. We provide a small snack like soup or sandwiches to make them feel welcome.
This has been very effective in the past and we continue to see good results from this outreach. Tonight was a great example of this. Many had questions and one man really sat with Ferd after the Bible study asking questions and wanting to know more.
After the meeting, I went to visit Ronadelle..she is getting worse. I just sat there and cried with her for about 2 hours. We may have to take her to Manila for treatment..she is breaking my heart. I just wish I could fix everyone's problems..but, I can't..I am glad that Christ can